We also had a team from the US visiting who had prepared Brazilian worship music to share, and a group from Angola, who were there to learn how Promifé is run, as the leaders want to spread this outreach event to that country. They also shared Angolan worship music with us, so we had a lot of international flavor, which was fun.
This Promifé had a record number 230 people, and we were split into three teams which went door-to-door, worked with children, presented pantomime and the Jesus video each day. Our presence was noted quicky by the townsfolk, and there was even an article written up in the local newspaper about why we were there. I worked with the children's team, and we presented a kids club each day in a local church with songs, skits, story, and games. We also had the opportunity to share at a 'creche' or day care center, and while at a local park on our rest day, we found a group of 200 kids there making kites in one of the pavillions, so our team asked and was able to present songs and a message to these kids right on the spot.
We wrapped up our week with a victory celebration at a park by the old train station, with the pastors and members of a number of local churches present to receive the records of community members that had been reached that week. These churches will continue the follow-up work in the weeks and months ahead. Keep them in your prayers.
Vila Andrade Festa
Kids at the Lar