Happy Mother's Day - Feliz Dia das Mães
The Lar Batista held a special Mother's Day event on the Saturday before Mother's Day, and mom's were treated to music, dance and a skit by some of the students, manicures, getting their hair done and even an exercise class. The students then served the mom's lunch, followed by door-prizes. I got to meet some of the mom's of my students, which was a treat. It was a special day for all!
Below the mom's look for cards their child made and are entertained by the students.
The many uses for recycled products . . . A local company spent one Saturday volunteering at Vila Andrade working with the children as well as in the community on some of the homes in the favela - painting, fixing windows and installing a roof and a door. The children's project consisted of making a model city using recycled products. I spent five hours one afternoon cleaning and sorting recyclables for them to use, and the kids were quite creative in using many of the items to make their cities. The company also entertained with animal characters, face painting, and cotton candy, which the children really enjoyed. The volunteers helped make a positive difference in the lives of those in Vila Andrade this day.

The finished products . . .