"Everyone who calls on the name of the name of the Lord will be saved. How, then, can they call on the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they preach unless they are sent? As it is written, "'How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news." (Romans 10:13-15)
Two years!
I've hit the two year mark here in Brazil, and continue to be blessed by God's goodness in allowing me this faith journey and ministering in the poorer communities here in Sao Paulo. The verse above was the theme for the mission conference at my church here this month and is a great commission reminder - How can they hear unless someone is sent? I took a photo of my feet with some of 'my girls' and pray that maybe someday, one of them will hear the call to take the good news to others - even if it is in their own neigborhood.
I've hit the two year mark here in Brazil, and continue to be blessed by God's goodness in allowing me this faith journey and ministering in the poorer communities here in Sao Paulo. The verse above was the theme for the mission conference at my church here this month and is a great commission reminder - How can they hear unless someone is sent? I took a photo of my feet with some of 'my girls' and pray that maybe someday, one of them will hear the call to take the good news to others - even if it is in their own neigborhood.
LAR Reward Day
My students enjoyed their third semester rewards this month, and as they earned more stars, they earned a bigger prize!

Celebrating Children's Day
The kids enjoyed food, fun and frolicking on a slippery, bouncy soccer field to commemorate Children's Day, a day to honor children here in Brazil.
LAR Staff Retreat
The director and staff spent a day at a lovely ranch outside Sao Paulo for a time of training, spiritual refreshment, and fellowship with each other. We also received a special thank-you treat for Teacher's Day.
Classroom Activities

Street scene at Vila Andrade
Here are a few shots of the street where the church and project are located. Two pictures are after a heavy rainstorm when the street flooded, which is what typically happens as there are no storm drains here so the water has no where to go (but the kids like to play in it!).
Below, students at the Lar are learning about places around town, and going 'shopping' at each one and using math to learn numbers and equations in English. The students at Vila Andrade are learning about the farm and making farm animal figures.
Street scene at Vila Andrade
Here are a few shots of the street where the church and project are located. Two pictures are after a heavy rainstorm when the street flooded, which is what typically happens as there are no storm drains here so the water has no where to go (but the kids like to play in it!).
AMIS Dinner
The Morumbi Association for Social Intergration, which sponsors the projects at Vila Andrade, hosted a dinner and information session for donors and workers this month. Below are photos with fellow WorldVenture missionaries and mentors Ken & Arlene Flurry, who came with me to learn more about the projects, and with co-worker Andre' Moreira, Project Coordinator for Social Responsibility at Vila Andrade.

The whole country is quite excited to be hosting the Olympics in 2016. It will be interesting to see how Rio gets ready for them, as well as dealing with the gang violence it is known for, which erupted quite severely a few weeks ago. Below, famous faces of Brazil: President Lula and world-famous soccer player Pele, celebrating Rio winning.