This blog is brought to you by the letter "M"! This month I introduced phonics into my curriculam, and we had lessons focused on things that started with the letter "M" as well as reading. I also did a math day, to not only reinforce mathematics but to help the students learn how to say numbers better in English (because numbers are difficult for me in portuguese!)
Lar students looking up words that start with "M" in the dictionaries.

Students reading the new books we just received from the missions team from Colorado Springs.

The new text books I have this year included games CD's, which reinforce the lesson just learned. Here, students at the Lar are trying them out for the first time.

Children's Church
Guest Speaking at Seminary
Students reading the new books we just received from the missions team from Colorado Springs.
The new text books I have this year included games CD's, which reinforce the lesson just learned. Here, students at the Lar are trying them out for the first time.
This month included our first semester Rewards Day, and these young ladies were sitting pretty waiting for their prizes!

Children's Church
I taught in Children's church this month, and we were studying about Mary Slessor, a missionary to Nigeria in the late 1800's. The children learned to trust in God, even when they are afraid, just like Mary did with the fierce natives. Here are some drawings they did of times they are afraid (first pic shows a girl yelling for dad because there is a barata - a cockroach - in her room!)

Guest Speaking at Seminary
Some of my WorldVenture colleagues teach at a local seminary, and myself and two others from Vila Andrade were invited to speak one night about evangelizing through wholistic/social outreach programs like what takes place at Vila Andrade. One of the guest speakers didn't make it, but Pastor Marcelo made up for that by taking most of the speaking time, and I had a little time at the end to talk about my ministry work and how I got into missions. The students were very receptive and had some great questions afterwards.