My Visa for Brazil was approved in early September, and set in motion a fast-paced series of events to get me to my destination. First was moving out of my townhome so it could be leased (which happened the Day I left for Brazil!) Many helping hands made this day go smoothly!
Commissioning Service
On Sunday, October 21, I had the privilege of giving the Children's Sermon at my home church (on being M&M kids - Missions Minded Kids!) and then having the children 'lay hands/hug/squish' me for prayer! It was a very special send-off!
After the service a special dinner with family and friends . . .
Off to the Airport
Good-Byes at the Airport
My brother Brett, sister-in-law Noel, and their children: Gabe, Anna, and Ethan, and my friend Kim.
Right: My mom & me
Finally, BRAZIL! 
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