The last two months have been quite active with a school break and some travel. July brought a trip with the Vila Andrade kids to the São Paulo Aquarium, the end of classes for the winter break, a friend’s wedding (all in one week) followed by a visit to the US for a brief rest. I enjoyed my time in the States visiting family, friends and supporters.
Above, visit to the Sao Paulo Aquarium. Below, being a bridesmaid at my friends wedding.
Home Visit to Minnesota and Montana
Above, got to meet my newest niece in person, not just on Skype! Below, my niece EJ celebrating her birthday and getting some Brazil souvenirs from her Auntie!
Visiting Glacier Park – throwing snowballs with my dad!
VBS – First Baptist Minneapolis
I was honored to be the “missionary guest” for my home church’s Vacation Bible School program, and I shared about my work in Brazil and tied my talk into the program theme, the fruit of the spirit. Being here brought back fun memories of my times helping with VBS as well as seeing how much the kids have grown, including my former First Grade Sunday School class, which are now the teens helping out at VBS. I loved seeing their enthusiasm and willingness to serve.
Back in Brazil!
Classes started up again in August with review lessons (thankfully not too much forgotten) and my birthday party. The kids enjoyed the mini play dough in their treat bags which was brought down by the team in March. I am still working on issues regarding class attendance and scheduling at Vila Andrade, and would appreciate your prayers for wisdom on how best to go forward. The goal is to finish strong at both project sites.
My co-workers at the Lar threw me a surprise party after work for my birthday! Very sweet!
Above, the directors of the Lar, and below, some of my friendly co-workers.
Vila Andrade birthday fun
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