Thursday, February 23, 2012

February 2012 – Preparing for a change in scenery

This month I have been preparing to go on my home leave (starting March 2012) so have been cleaning, packing, and getting numerous items arranged for my time away from Brazil.

One great blessing was finding a person to rent my apartment while I am gone. I had been considering giving it up, but through a mutual friend, found a wonderful Christian girl from India who is in Sao Paulo working for six months-the same amount of time of my leave-and was desperately looking for a furnished place to live. It’s so great to see how God worked that out for both of us! Please pray for Lisha as she adjusts to life in Sao Paulo and being away from her family and things familiar. P1120548At the Lar, my students were all quite sad when I told them classes would not be starting up right away. However I have arranged for one class to have English during  my leave. I have asked two of my top students to be ‘student teachers’ to the younger class I had been giving classes to last year. Since this class learns very basic items such as numbers, letters, colors, and greetings, I knew these were subjects that my students could teach. I have been busy getting all the materials prepared, copied, and organized into a folder for them to use with the class teacher during my absence. We even put up English posters in the room, which the teacher was very excited about. Please pray for Meuriam and Jessica Kelly as they become ‘student teachers’ this year – they are both very nervous, but I know they will do a great job!

P1120596 Above, Professora Neia, myself and Meuriam. Below Jessica Kelly


The Lar had a visit from Ronald McDonald this month as well, who presented some lively skits, songs, and other entertainment. Some of the kids thought I brought him from the US (he’s American, right?) No – I didn’t!  ronmcMy room is ready for a long absence – everything is covered to keep the dust off! Bye bye room! See you in September!

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My desk is under there somewhere!

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