Thursday, December 9, 2010

Lar Project Graduation and Christmas

The Lar Project finished the school year with two graduation ceremonies for both the morning and afternoon sessions, followed by a Christmas party afterwards. The kids were encouraged to dress up and invite their parents or family members, and I was pleased to see a number who came. The Director of the project thought it would be ‘fun’ to have the students present items in English that they had learned and bring in ‘judges’ to determine who did the best job, and winners would receive a little prize. After a momentary panic on the part of the teacher and students, we put together a program to showcase what they had learned. We did puppets, presentations on math and shapes, speaking on favorite things, reading poems and a role play. Each group also presented music, the ‘ABC song’ for the morning students, and the ‘Days of the Week’ and ‘Thumbs up’ for the afternoon students. At the end of each assembly, I led all the students at the Project in these songs, which was fun!

Morning Graduation






students entering









Above, singing “ABC song”

Right, Josiane saying shapes

Below, puppets







Mayara reading a poem





Certificate time

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winners of the morning presentation P1070555

P1070560 P1070562 Group shots ~ one serious ~ one goofy!

Morning Christmas party





mom’s visiting the classroom





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Afternoon Graduation

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praying beforehand




P1070600 P1070616 “Thumbs up” song











the ‘judges’ – Curt & Lalia, and the winners of the afternoon session



Additionally, two older girls wrote their own speeches, and they did a great job presenting them. Here is what they said:

“My name is Eliane and I am fifteen year old. I am here today to talk to you about English classes. I think they are very important and we have enjoyed them a lot this year. Our teacher is very friendly and taught us many things. I would like to be with everybody again next year because I really love to learn. God Bless you.”

“I would like to thank you for all the classes you gave us in this year, for everybody that could understand a little more how to speak English. I would like to thank God for the special present – you. I wish you all good things. God Bless you!”


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We were temporarily interrupted by a ‘lost Santa’ – he was supposed to be delivering gifts somewhere else, but ended up in our auditorium instead. The kids, of course, loved it, but the teachers were all looking at each other and asking – do you know where he came from?! He finally figured out his error and quickly apologized and slipped away . . .

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everyone singing now!





P1070651 group shots, with the Lar Director, Curt & Lalia belowP1070655

Afternoon Christmas party

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I was blessed with some really sweet notes and gifts from some of my students on the last day; I could see they put a lot of effort into writing something for me in English. Here is a sampling of what they wrote:

“On behalf of all students who do I thank for teaching English to speak and understand a little English though often do not understand some things, but I thank very much, especially God for having placed you in our lives and then having spent a bit of knowledge. I wish all the best and mostly a happy Christmas that God illuminate your steps each day. I will miss you! Kisses!” Márcia

“In the first place I want to thank God for bringing you to the Lar. Thank you for teaching me how to speak English. I like much very you.” Larissa

“I am writing to thank you for everything you have done by his students, thank you for being such a wonderful person. May God bless you always and forever. Never forget about us. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.” Vicente


Year-End Project

For our year-end project, the students made “All About Me” posters, where we put their picture, and filled in blanks about their family, favorite things to do, favorite place, one wish, and what they want to be when they grow up.    P1070300P1070302 Mom’s and kids enjoyed seeing them displayed at the graduation ceremonies.

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Some of professions they want to be when they grow up are:

Nurse, lawyer or judge, doctor, teacher, police officer, dentist, Pastor, receptionist, secretary, cleaning lady, cook, art gallery owner, firefighter, veterinarian, fashion stylist, the best person I can be.

Some of their wishes or dreams they wrote are:

To know and maybe live in other countries, to play rock and roll music, riding in a helicopter, to sail, for my family to be happy, for my grandmother not to die, to be happy with my husband and live in a big house, to laugh-live with my dad-and talk to my uncle, for my brother to walk, to live with my mother, to have a lot of money to help the poor, to be somebody in life.

Please keep these kids in your prayers as they grow up and dream of a better future for themselves, and more importantly, that they walk with God everyday of their lives.